CarbonCaaS is speaker at CCUS conference in Luxembourg on February 5th!

January 14th, 2025

Exciting conference on «Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) in Luxembourg».

At the initiative of the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity, the Ministry of the Economy, and the University of Luxembourg, and with the support of Luxinnovation, the conference on the theme «Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) in Luxembourg» will take place on 5 February, from 9.00 to 17.00, in Luxembourg-Belval.

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The objectives of this conference are:

  • to provide an overview of the status of CCUS at an international, European and national level, highlighting the opportunities and constraints of natural and technology-based solutions;
  • to promote networking in the Luxembourg RDI ecosystem in the area of CCUS

We at CarbonCaaS will be presenting one of our current projects at the conference.

Are you interested? Would be great to meet you at the conference.

Save the date of 5 Feb 2025 on your calendar and register under the following link:

About CarbonCaaS

CarbonCaaS supports SME companies on their decarbonisation path, focusing on the elaboration of action plans to avoid GHG emissions, on the realisation of CCUS/BECCS projects to reduce CO2 emissions and the organization of the offtake of CO2.

Update: We won! Carbon Removal Booster supports us!

December 15th, 2024

CarbonCaaS has been selected by the Jury and will be supported within the Carbon Removal Booster’s Innovation Program to further develop the initiative of a Regional Carbon Logistics Solution concept for the disposal of the captured CO2.

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With the support by the Carbon Removal Booster CarbonCaaS will develop and sound out the feasibility and the viability criteria for a regional CO2 conveyance solution as well as connect and build up a network of partners to bring the initiative to life.

About CarbonCaaS

CarbonCaaS supports SME companies on their decarbonisation path, focusing on the elaboration of action plans to avoid GHG emissions, on the realisation of CCUS/BECCS projects to reduce CO2 emissions and the organization of the offtake of CO2.

About Carbon Removal Booster

The Carbon Removal Booster is the first Open-Innovation-Program in Switzerland focused on CDR. The Platform brings together key stakeholders to jointly develop and test ideas for innovative solutions needed to address important challenges in the CDR space.

CarbonCaaS project supported by the Carbon Removal Booster’s Innovation Program

November 15th, 2024

CarbonCaaS is supported within the Carbon Removal Booster’s Innovation Program to further develop a Regional Carbon Logistics Solution concept for the conveyance as well as for the conversion and/or disposal of the captured CO2.

With the support by the Carbon Removal Booster, CarbonCaaS will develop and challenge the feasibility and the viability criteria for a regional CO2 conveyance solution as well as connect and build up a network of partners to bring the initiative to life.

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Complementary for all measures to reduce and avoid carbon dioxide emissions, capture, transport, usage and/or storage (CCTUS) have been identified as major levers of climate strategies to avoid anthropogenic emissions.

So, the challenges of CO2 capture and disposal are on the involved parties’ mind, the CO2 conveyance is a complex endeavour with multifaceted technical, economic, environmental and regulatory challenges.

Rolling-out a carbon dioxide transport chain from inland European industrial facilities to recycling, conversion or sequestration sites is yet to be tackled.

CarbonCaaS seeks to address this challenge by developing a Regional Carbon Logistics Solution, supported within the Carbon Removal Booster’s Innovation Program.

“The solution should solve the headache of many entrepreneurs and secure the missing link between local emitters and the remote recycling, conversion or sequestration solutions.”
Serge Niederkorn, Director of CarbonCaaS

With a combined approach which addresses not only the functional logistics, CarbonCaaS is developing an operational set-up for the local collection, temporary storage and channelling of the captured CO2.

About CarbonCaaS

CarbonCaaS supports SME companies on their decarbonisation path, focusing on the elaboration of action plans to avoid GHG emissions, on the realisation of CCUS/BECCS projects to reduce CO2 emissions and the organization of the offtake of CO2.

About Carbon Removal Booster

The Carbon Removal Booster is the first Open-Innovation-Program in Switzerland focused on CDR. The Platform brings together key stakeholders to jointly develop and test ideas for innovative solutions needed to address important challenges in the CDR space.

LinkedIn-Post: Carbon footprint – a regulatory data graveyard?

May 30th, 2024

The post addresses the common perspective of companies that determining the CO₂ footprint is an unnecessary burden and regulatory challenge. Despite this attitude, a detailed analysis of the data points has the potential to identify efficiency improvements and enhancements that can also benefit climate protection. Companies should ask themselves whether their energy consumption is justified, whether they are using sustainable materials, and whether they can optimize their supply chains.

The post encourages companies to view reporting not just as a compliance requirement but as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and strengthen their market position. The double materiality analysis within the framework of the CSRD report can help minimize risks and secure the future of the company. The author offers support in determining the CO₂ footprint and assessing potential initiatives.

About CarbonCaaS

CarbonCaaS supports SME companies on their decarbonisation path, focusing on the elaboration of action plans to avoid GHG emissions, on the realisation of CCUS/BECCS projects to reduce CO2 emissions and the organization of the offtake of CO2.